Affiliated to MAKAUT   |   Approved by AICTE


Physics Laboratory

A physics laboratory for engineering students is a special place where they learn about the principles of physics through hands-on experiments. This lab has a variety of equipment and tools that help students understand how things work in the real world.
The lab is well-organized and equipped with modern instruments. There are spacious workstations where students can conduct experiments safely. The environment in the lab is welcoming and supportive. Instructors are available to guide students and answer their questions. The lab is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for students to find what they need and focus on learning.
In the lab, students apply the theories they learn in their lectures. These practical experiences help them see the real-world applications of their studies, making the learning process more engaging and meaningful.

Chemistry Laboratory

A chemistry laboratory for engineering students is a place where they learn about chemical reactions and properties through practical experiments. This lab is designed to be both educational and safe, helping students understand chemistry in a hands-on way.
The lab is set up with various workstations, each equipped with essential tools and materials. There are beakers, test tubes, burners, and other instruments needed for experiments. The lab is spacious and organized, making it easy for students to move around and find what they need.
Safety is a top priority in the chemistry lab. Students are protected with safety gear like goggles, gloves, and lab coats. There are clear safety instructions, and emergency equipment like fire extinguishers and eye wash stations are easily accessible.
The atmosphere in the lab is welcoming and supportive. The lab is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that even those new to chemistry can learn and work comfortably.
In the lab, students get to apply what they have learned in their chemistry classes. They might mix chemicals to see reactions, test the properties of materials, or analyze substances. These activities help them understand how chemistry works in the real world, making their studies more interesting and practical.

Language Laboratory

A language laboratory for engineering students is a special place where they can improve their communication skills through various activities and exercises. This lab is designed to help students become more confident and effective in speaking and understanding languages.
The lab is equipped with modern computers, headsets, and microphones. Each student has their own workstation where they can practice listening, speaking, and pronunciation. There are also recording devices so students can hear and improve their own speech.
Activities: In the language lab, students participate in various activities that make learning fun and engaging. They might take part in debates, where they practice presenting their ideas clearly and persuasively. There are extempore speaking sessions, where students speak on a topic without preparation, helping them think on their feet. Group discussions are also common, allowing students to share their thoughts and learn from each other. These activities help students build confidence and improve their self-esteem.
Overall, the language laboratory is an important part of an engineering education, providing a supportive space for students to develop their communication skills through practical and enjoyable activities.

Mentoring Session

A mentoring session for engineering students is a friendly and supportive meeting where students can talk with a mentor about their academic problems and any other concerns that are bothering them. These sessions are designed to help students feel better and stay focused on their career goals.
The mentoring sessions take place in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Students can speak openly with their mentors, who are trained to listen and understand their issues without judgment.
During these sessions, students can talk about anything that is troubling them. This might include difficulties with coursework, exam stress, or personal issues. The mentor offers advice and practical solutions to help students manage their problems and improve their situation.
The mentors also help students stay focused on their career goals. They provide encouragement and motivation, helping students to see the bigger picture and stay on track with their academic and career plans.

Smart Class Room

A smart class for engineering students is a modern classroom equipped with advanced technology to make learning more interactive and effective.
In a smart class, there are large screens or interactive whiteboards where teachers can display videos, animations, and presentations. These tools help make complex topics easier to understand.
Smart classes make learning more engaging. Teachers can use digital tools to show how things work in real time, like simulating a machine or demonstrating a scientific principle. Students can participate in quizzes and polls during the lesson, making the class more interactive.

Tutorial Class

A tutorial class for week or lagging students is a special class designed to help students who need extra support in their studies. These classes are smaller and more focused, making it easier for students to catch up and understand their lessons better.
Personalized Attention: In a tutorial class, teachers give more individual attention to each student. They can explain difficult topics in a simpler way and answer any questions the students have.
Small Groups: The classes are small, so students feel more comfortable asking questions and participating in discussions.
Extra Practice: Students get more practice with their studies in tutorial classes. They can work on exercises and problems with the guidance of the teacher, which helps reinforce their understanding of the material.
Overall, tutorial classes are a valuable resource for students who need a little extra help. They provide a supportive environment where students can improve their understanding and get back on track with their studies.

Doubt Clearing Session

A doubt clearing session is a special time set aside for students to ask questions and get help with anything they don’t understand from their lessons. These sessions are very helpful for making sure students fully grasp their subjects.
When students get their questions answered, they feel more confident about their studies. They know they can get help when they need it, which makes learning less stressful and more enjoyable.
By clearing up any confusion, students are more likely to do well in their exams and projects. Understanding the material better helps improve their overall grades.

from the leader

Dr. Mousumi Ghosh

(Founder Director)

We are constantly striving for excellence in our mission to create leaders for tomorrow by nurturing young minds, who would become professionals as well as intellectual global citizens. Our vision to provide wide angle learning have zeroed down.

from the leader

Mr. Silajit Ghosh


I feel proud to see our students achieve success. Apart from having strong career growth, they also come out as fantastic human beings. I am also thankful to the corporate who have consistently shown confidence in Future Education and providing opportunity to its students to work with them.